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Mana Calculator

Mana is a reward resource generated by holding IOTA tokens. It is utilized for block issuance, access to network throughput, protection against Sybil attacks, and various other services. Our incentives scheme allows you to stake or delegate IOTA tokens to receive Mana rewards, in addition to the Mana generated simply by holding your IOTA tokens, without having to participate in any consensus-related activity.

Here, we introduce the Mana calculator: a tool to help you make decisions about the type of participation that will suit you best, to help you predict the Mana generation you’ll be granted, and to decide the number of IOTA tokens you should hold to guarantee your desired level of access in the future.

How to use the Calculator: Simplified Step-by-step instructions

  • Network Configuration: This calculator works for Shimmer and the future IOTA 2.0 network. Both networks will have their own type of Mana (IOTA Mana and Shimmer Mana), with their own parameters and, consequently, their own behavior. Be sure you select the correct scenario you want to simulate!

  • Role Configuration: Will you delegate to a validator, become a validator yourself, or just hold tokens? To be a validator, you must run a node and lock your tokens while performing validation services, giving you higher rewards. If you want to delegate to a validator, your tokens will not be locked and you won’t need to run a node, but this will give you fewer rewards than validating. Finally, just holding tokens grants you a certain amount of Mana, which will be less than by validating or delegating. Additionally, no matter which network and role you choose, your Mana generation will depend on how many available tokens you have. Pay attention to the units! The input should be done in IOTA or Shimmer (not microIota or Glow).

With above inputs, you can already estimate how much Mana you’ll be granted per epoch. But what does it mean in BPS? How many blocks per second does your Mana grant you? The answer depends on the size of your block and the network congestion levels. However, we can use a default block size, which will be enough for most applications, and assume particular congestion levels. This takes us to the last essential configuration step in this calculator:

  • Choose a congestion level: Given a particular Mana generation per epoch, this can be translated into a number of blocks issued per second that depend on the congestion level. Choose one of the given congestion levels (low, stable, or extreme) to estimate the time until block issuance, which tells you in which periodicity you’ll be able to issue a block.

By default, this calculator shows you the acquired Mana and Block Allowance you have granted by participating between epochs 1 and 10. But you can also play with these values! Inputting different values for Initial Epoch and Final Epoch allows you to visualize results for any period desired. Additionally, you can edit several other default parameters used in this tool in the advanced settings tabs. In case you want more details, see the description of these parameters here


Network configuration


Role configuration


Delegator Settings
Validator 1

Other parameters

Low Congestion

Advanced Settings - Validators
Stake (IOTA)
Delegated (IOTA)
Performance factor
Fixed costs
Validator 1
Validator 2
Validator 3
Validator 4
Validator 5
Validator 6
Validator 7
Validator 8
Validator 9
Validator 10
Validator 11
Validator 12
Validator 13
Validator 14
Validator 15
Validator 16
Validator 17
Validator 18
Validator 19
Validator 20
Validator 21
Validator 22
Validator 23
Validator 24
Validator 25
Validator 26
Validator 27
Validator 28
Validator 29
Validator 30
Validator 31
Validator 32


Generation (by just holding) in the input period: 336.333878 Mana
Mana rewards from delegating in the input period: 1649.442233 Mana
Total Block Allowance granted after the input period: 1985776.11 standard blocks
Time it takes to accumulate enough mana for a standard block... a holder (owning 600 tokens and not delegating any of them): 2 seconds, 184.533 milliseconds a delegator (owning 600 tokens and delegating 600 of them): 368.933 milliseconds

Mana Accumulation


Advanced settings

The steps outlined above can give you a rough estimate of your Mana generation and granted blocks allowance. However, playing with the advanced settings will give you more precise results.

  • Change the system’s state: The calculator’s default settings assume a certain level of participation in the consensus (i.e., locked stake, delegated stake, and the performance factor of validators). Those settings can be changed under the “Advanced Settings - Validators” tab. You can also add or delete validators and change their fixed costs.

  • If you choose to delegate, you can change two default values under the "Delegator Settings" tab in "Role Configuration":

    • Change the validator you delegate to: Under the default settings, you'll delegate to Validator 1 (which is a pool that, technically speaking, is under the "equilibrium state"; see the Whitepaper for more details). However, you can change this setting and know your rewards if you participate in other pools, with different shares of delegated to locked stakes and different performance factors.
    • Change the number of delegated tokens: By default, you will delegate all your tokens to the pool selected above. However, you can also simulate a scenario where you only delegate part of your tokens, with the rest remaining undelegated. As usual, pay attention to the units! The input should be done in IOTA or Shimmer (not microIota or Glow).
  • If you choose to validate:

    • Change the number of staked tokens: As in the case of delegators, by default, you will stake all your tokens. However, you can also simulate a scenario where you only stake part of your tokens, with the rest remaining unstaked. As usual, pay attention to the units! The input should be done in IOTA or Shimmer (not microIota or Glow).
    • Change your performance factor: Under the calculator's default settings, your performance factor is 1.0. However, you can change this to simulate smaller shares of online time.
    • Change your fixed costs: By the calculator's default settings, your fixed costs are zero. This setting can be changed so you can spare part of the pool rewards for yourself. However, notice that the fixed cost is a public parameter you define during registration. This means that the delegator knows how you set this value and might consider it when choosing a validator to delegate. Furthermore, if you select this value too high, you'll be punished and won't get any rewards.
    • Change the amount of stake delegated to you: The calculator's default settings automatically assign you a particular share of the delegated stake when you start validating, based on a specific "equilibrium state" (see the Whitepaper for more details). However, you can change this setting to know your rewards should you attract more (or less) delegated stakes than in the default setting.